We aim to be a loving and welcoming Christian community:
honouring God in worship, following Christ in our lives and participating in his mission.

The Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate,

Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2DR

Tel 01775 722772


Home Worship Volunteering Mission Wedding Christening Contacts
Spalding Parish Church

St Mary and St Nicolas has been at the heart of Spalding life for over 700 years. The building and its community have survived through flood, plague, famine and war.

The church is open every day from 9.30am to 4.30pm to provide a sacred space for reflection, prayer and hope.

Visitors’ Information Page

Regular Sunday Services

Eucharist at 10.30am and
Sung Evensong at 6.30pm.

Livestream Live on Sunday from 10.30am

and afterwards on YouTube:
Parish Eucharist for the Fourth Sunday before Lent

Weekly Notice Sheet
Prayers and Bible readings for each Sunday. Includes Parish news, events & diary dates

 Everyone is welcome to join in Morning and  Evening Prayer which is said from Monday to  Friday at 8.30am and 5.00pm in St Thomas  Chapel.

The Vista Hall

Contact the Parish Office for booking details

Vista Hall


Revd Canon Darren McFarland


Sue Slater


Jean Hill

Val Fairbanks


The Church of England is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurturing of everyone within our church community. For contacts and further information click HERE

Local Events Page

The Parish Office

The Parish Office is the first place to call for enquiries about the church.

The office is staffed Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 9.00am to 1pm.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Robert Parker-McGee as Vicar of Spalding.

Revd Robert Parker-McGee has most recently been working as Rector of the Box River benefice in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich.

Further information about this announcement and Rob’s life and ministry can be found on the Diocese of Lincoln news page and our Facebook page.

The licensing service will take place at 7pm on Tuesday, 22nd July at St Mary & St Nicolas, with the Bishop of Lincoln and Archdeacon of Boston officiating.