We aim to be a loving and welcoming Christian community:
honouring God in worship, following Christ in our lives and participating in his mission.

The Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate,

Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2DR

Tel 01775 722772


Home Worship Volunteering Mission Wedding Christening Contacts
Spalding Parish Church

The Vista Hall

The Vista Hall is owned and run by St Mary and St Nicolas Church, Spalding and is available for community use.

The Hall is well used but we welcome enquiries from groups looking for a venue to meet regularly.

We have some availability for one-off bookings.

There is ramped access to the Main Hall, and a movable ramp for access to the Maples Room.

Available Spaces


Main Hall


Coffee Lounge


Maples Room


Booking Enquiries to: The Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate, Spalding, PE11 2DR.

01775 722772 parish.office@stmaryandstnicolas.org.uk

The Vista Hall

The Vista



PE11 2RA