We aim to be a loving and welcoming Christian community:
honouring God in worship, following Christ in our lives and participating in his mission.
Julie Laithwaite is the member of our Parish Office team who
co-ordinates all the wedding arrangements.
She is usually in the office on Tuesday and Wednesday and will be pleased to speak to you in person or by phone.

Anyone who lives in the parish or who has a qualifying connection with St Mary & St Nicolas is entitled to be married in the church.
To check which parish you live in visit A Church Near You and enter your postcode in the box.
What it costs:
The cost in 2025 for a wedding with music is £801. This covers all the legal fees, a verger and an organist. For a simple service without any music (including recorded music) the cost would be £621
You can request the choir to sing. The boys and girls each receive something for singing and so this will add £170. You can ask for the church bells. This will cost £170 for six bells to be rung.
In the winter months we make an additional charge for heating of £140 to ensure that the church feels comfortable for all your guests.
A wedding with organist, choir, bells and heating will cost £1,281.
We ask for a deposit of £100, which is non-refundable, when you book your wedding.
Download the list of fees and options.