We aim to be a loving and welcoming Christian community:
honouring God in worship, following Christ in our lives and participating in his mission.

The Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate,

Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2DR

Tel 01775 722772


Home Worship Volunteering Mission Wedding Christening Contacts
Spalding Parish Church

We don’t offer an alternative to worship for children; we welcome them to all of our services.

Young people sing in the choir and are servers.

Parents of younger children are encouraged to use the bags and baskets of toys and books provided for them by taking them to their pew.

We believe that the example that adult worshippers show is the best way of helping children to feel that they belong to the church family.

To adults we say

The presence of children is a gift to the Church.

Smile, encourage and and be understanding.

Don’t forget, you were a small child once!

To parents of young children we say

Be relaxed - talk to your children and explain what is going on.

Sing the hymns, join in the prayers and responses, and show your children that you want them to do the same.

Feel free to take your child to the back of church if they need to move around, or out into the porch if they need to express themselves loudly. Please come back when they are settled.

Remember that Jesus said, “Let the children come to me” when some of his followers thought that they were a nuisance and shouldn’t be bothering them.


We currently have two services each Sunday.

At 10.30am there is a Parish Eucharist with hymns and a robed choir.

This service alternates between one based on the Book of Common Prayer and one which uses the modern language of Common Worship.

We serve refreshments in church after this service.

At 6.30pm there is a sung service of Evensong with Spalding Parish Church Choir. The choir lead us in chants, settings, anthems and hymns.