We aim to be a loving and welcoming Christian community:
honouring God in worship, following Christ in our lives and participating in his mission.

The Parish Office, 1 Halmer Gate,

Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2DR

Tel 01775 722772


Home Worship Volunteering Mission Wedding Christening Contacts
Spalding Parish Church


Christians engage in mission when they find out what God is doing in the world and join in. St Mary & St Nicolas has established a budget for mission to join in with what God is doing in Spalding and around the world.

We support

We support

The Agapecare foodbank
There is a collecting point for food donations in church.

The church budgets for an annual donation to Christian Aid. An appeal from the Disasters Emergency Committee triggers an immediate response with a donation from the PCC.

Money collected at Harvest is given to Christian Aid

We support

Donations for the Foodbank can be left in the red bin in church